The computer controls digital pulses driving these motors, which move with precision. Inside, they’re run by a central computer that uses a random number generator (RNG) program to determine the outcome of each spin.Ĭomputerized slot machines use step motors to turn the reels and stop them at a predetermined point. The video slots’ design resembles the technology of old machines, but only on the outside. Generally, physical slot machines have over 20 symbols per reel. Sensors communicate the reel positions to the payout system.
A metal shaft in the center supports the spinning reels, while a braking system stops the reels. The coin detector registers when you insert coins to play slot games and unlocks the brake, allowing the handle to move. The Mechanism Behind Early Slot MachinesĬonventional, mechanical slot machines use a series of gears and levers to operate. These symbols range from a few dozen to hundreds, depending on the particular slot machine. The number of reels is typically three or five, each with a different number of symbols. The player pulls the lever or pushes a button that activates a series of reels, determining the outcome. The same principle applies whether you play a game on a modern slot machine or on an old-timer.